M a r k e t N e w s

Kenya wants to increase GDP through Manufacturing

Posted on : Friday , 2nd February 2024

In order to boost Kenya's manufacturing sector and bring it up to 15 percent of the country's GDP by 2027, the government launched an ambitious strategy.  


At a consultative meeting organized by the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano made a strong case for cooperation and coordinated action on behalf of State Corporations, Agencies, and Departments.


"This program aims to radically reshape Kenya's economic environment, utilizing the combined knowledge and assets of the Ministry's wide-ranging network to accomplish this revolutionary objective.” Miano said.


Miano's vision for Kenya's economic future goes beyond conventional measures, with the goal of making the nation a leader in sustainable development and industrial innovation worldwide.


The State Department for Industry has made a bold move by announcing intentions to increase the GDP contribution of the manufacturing sector from 7.6 percent in 2023 to 10 percent by 2024, with a target of 20 percent by 2030.


Through the promotion of an atmosphere that is favorable to the growth of enterprises, advancements in technology, and the implementation of competitive manufacturing techniques, the ministry hopes to lead an all-encompassing revolution in the industrial sector.


The Principal Secretary of the Ministry, Dr. Juma Mukhwana, added depth to the story by outlining the strategic requirements for improving Kenya's investment climate and trade policy.


This coming together of thoughts and ideals highlighted a shared resolve to surpass the lofty objectives established, not just meet them. The leaders in attendance committed to establishing an environment that values quality, creativity, and moral leadership.


This strategy has the potential to raise Kenya's economic profile and guarantee that the country performs well internationally.

Source : https://www.kdc.com.ke/
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